Do you manage freelancers? Yeah? Whether you’re managing an external team of freelancers or an internal team (big or small), managing work is easier when you have the right tools. That’s why having the best fitting project management tool is absolutely essential. Effective and successful project management has visibility, increases organization, is easily integrated, is robust, and is easy to use, and bonus points for a professional look and feel. As our external/freelance team has grown, we’ve found ourselves needing to improve our freelance management process and system. 

Alright, it’s time to level up! Let me show you how. 

A little background:

We have multiple business units that utilize freelancers, and we needed a way to manage these freelancers in a way that was more efficient than an email inbox.

Yeah, we used our emails to manage freelancers, and it was just as chaotic as it sounds (insert face palm here).

Pretty much any system would have been a step up in terms of organization, but we wanted to build something that would last, something that could be used across all business units and be an all-in-one solution. We could have used any “no-code” tool like Notion or even used a more simple project management tool like Trello or Monday, but none of those options fit the bill. No offense to these tools because they are all great but not ideal or robust enough for what we needed.

We ended up choosing ClickUp. First of all, we already used ClickUp as our in-house project management system so it made the most sense to roll with a system that easily integrates with our current system. More importantly, we wanted a system that is robust and easy-to-use from proposal assignment to content completion. We needed something that would not only offer task management but also offer custom views, notifications, various no-code automations, communication, and invoicing in the same tool. That’s a lot. I know.

But ClickUp made it happen. All of it! Check it out:

Freelancer ClickUp Board View
Bonus points for being easy-to-use for our team and our freelancers as well as having a professional look and feel for our freelancers! Woot!

Alright, it’s time to level up! Let me show you how.

The post How To Build a Freelance Management System appeared first on Local SEO Guide.

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